In addition to its role as an advocate on behalf of artists’ rights on a national level, CARFAC National also exists as an umbrella organization for its many regional affiliates, each with its own board of directors and office. Additional services, programs and projects are carried out by the individual affiliate organizations. By joining your provincial affiliate organization, you receive automatic membership in CARFAC National.
For additional information about services in your region, click on the affiliate links below.
CARFAC Maritimes – (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island)
VANL/CARFAC – (Visual Arts Newfoundland and Labrador)
In Quebec, CARFAC has formed a partnership alliance with Le Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV) at the national level, due to their mutual federal certification under the Status of the Artist Act. Our organizations work on joint initiatives at the national level towards the promotion of the social, moral, and economic rights and interests of professional visual artists in Canada and Quebec. To join RAAV, or to obtain more information on their services, click on the link below.
RAAV (Le Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec)