We need your help!
CARFAC is a national organization, run by a volunteer board and paid staff, that advocates for the rights of artists. Years ago, we advocated that artists had the right to be paid for the exhibition of their work in public galleries in Canada. Nearly twenty years ago, exhibition fees became a legal right for artists. Since then, countless artists have been paid for the exhibition of their work.
Over the past year, CARFAC and RAAV have been preparing a major campaign to improve The livelihood of visual artists. The campaign touches all aspects of artists income – from fees and grants to the art market and sales of work.
There are two immediate objectives that we are asking you to support by signing and spreading the word about the attached petition. The first objective concerns CARFAC/RAAV’s negotiations with the National Gallery of Canada. The outcome of these negotiations will have a major impact on artists’ relations with galleries and institutions across Canada.
The second and related objective is to demand the payment the new exhibition fee schedule by all exhibiting institutions. The new fees are intended to eventually bring exhibition fees up to a level consistent with what arts professionals earn in those exhibiting institutions. Your support will help us achieve these objectives.
CARFAC has started a petition for supporters to sign that can be found at this link(expired):
Please click on this link and add your signature and comments. Then help us spread the word. Send this appeal to all artists and art supporters that you know. These changes are extremely significant for artists and will impact on our ability to earn a reasonable income for years to come.
Thanks for your support!