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Visual artists on copyright reform

In anticipation of revisions to the Canadian Copyright Act, Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC), le Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV) and our affiliates have been working to prepare a platform document as partners in the Creators’ Copyright Coalition (CCC).

Highlights of the platform for the visual and media artists community will include:

1) Ratifying the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty (WCT), which includes allowances, where necessary, to protect both the rights of users and creators;
2) Improving compliance and recognition of the Reproduction Right;
3) Improving compliance and recognition of the Exhibition Right;
4) Amending of Canadian Copyright Act to include droit de suite, or resale right;
5) Reinforcing and expanding the licensing responsibilities of copyright collectives in the digital environment;
6) Extending protection and reaffirming creators’ Moral Rights;
7) Affording photographers, printmakers and portrait artists the same rights as other visual and media artists.

In the coming weeks, CARFAC/RAAV and the CCC partners will be looking at and reacting to the legislation that is tabled. Keeping artists’ economic interests front and centre is a priority for CARFAC/RAAV. “Many of Canada’s visual artists live below the poverty line. Copyright law should protect the right of these artists to be paid for their work,” said Gerald Beaulieu, president of CARFAC National.

CARFAC/RAAV continues to defend the rights of all visual artists and to provide information and assistance with regard to the visual arts and matters of public policy and/or legislation.

The CCC is an alliance of 18 professional associations of individual creators and performers, and copyright collective societies active in theatre, the visual and media arts, literature, the applied arts, music, recording and audiovisual (radio, television, film, and commercials). Together, these eighteen associations and collectives represent more than 100,000 creators (authors and performers) who are copyright holders. The CCC defends the interests of authors and performers in the revision of the Copyright Act of Canada.

CARFAC and RAAV are artist-run, national non-profit associations of professional visual and media artists. As the national voice of Canada’s professional visual artists, CARFAC/RAAV defend artists’ socioeconomic and legal rights and educate the public on fair dealing with artists. CARFAC /RAAV engage actively in advocacy, lobbying, research and public education on behalf of artists in Canada and Québec.


The CCC platform document

The Canadian Copyright Act


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