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CARFAC celebrates 40 years of protecting artists’ rights

Canadian Artists’ Representation / le front des artists canadiens (CARFAC) is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Celebrations will begin at CARFAC’s Annual General Meeting in Quebec City May 30th and 31st. Additional events will be held across the country by CARFAC’s regional affiliate organizations.

CARFAC was founded in 1968 by Jack Chambers due to a need for the recognition of artists’ copyright. Since then, CARFAC has fought for the inclusion of the Exhibition Right into the Copyright Act, was empowered to bargain collectively for appropriate fees with galleries on behalf of all visual and media artists and, most recently, struck a new agreement with the Canadian Art Museum Directors’ Organization and the Canadian Museums Association over a fair level of payment for artist fees.

Currently, CARFAC is active in several campaigns on behalf of visual and media artists including the establishment of a federal tax credit for artists, the inclusion of the Resale Right in the Copyright Act, the establishment of an Exhibition Right Fund, and the creation of a social security net for visual and media artists.

CARFAC’s Annual General Meeting will feature a roundtable on the social engagement of visual artists to honor the 60th anniversary of le Refus Global. Co-hosted by le Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec the roundtable will include panelists Françoise Sullivan, Tony Urquhart, Georgia Volpe, Yves Louis Seize and Milly Ristvedt.

CARFAC is the national voice of Canada’s professional visual and media artists. CARFAC’s mandate is to promote the visual and media arts in Canada, to promote a socio-economic climate that is conducive to the production of visual and media arts in Canada, and to conduct research and engage in public education for these purposes as a not-for-profit association and a National Art Service Organization.

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For more information contact:

April Britski
Executive Director
CARFAC National
613-233-6161, 1-866-344-6161