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Arts funding programs under attack

As you may have heard, several arts funding programs have been cancelled in the last seven days. While many in the press have condemned this decision, government leaks have been handled in such a way that indicates they feel it is electorally profitable for them to cancel these programs.

With the possibility of an election looming, it is important that we communicate to both the government and the public at large that the arts return more than three times any investment, even by conservative estimates.

CARFAC is working with other members of the Canadian Conference of the Arts on a long-term strategy. We will be looking to our members to help us implement this strategy in the coming months.

Ways in which you can help:

Send us your stories
We are seeking stories from artists that illustrate the negative impact these cuts will have both on local communities and to Canada’s international reputation. If you are interested in being profiled in your local media, please contact us.

Fill out the Canadian Conference of the Arts Impact Survey.

Write your MP to urge them to reconsider this decision.

Forward this message to as many people as you can and encourage them to write their MPs as well.

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Watch this page for further advocacy alerts in the coming months.

More information about the cuts: