Copyright consultations are underway and it is important for visual artists to make their voices heard.
So far the copyright debate has revolved around reaching a balance between the rights of users and the rights of corporate distributors. The average Canadian worker earns more than twice as much as the average artist but they want free access to your work. The power of distributors over artists is so one-sided that galleries are often able to talk artists into signing their rights away. If we’re talking about reaching a balance, we need to be talking about artists.
You can make a submission to the consultation committee by visiting their website or by sending an email to
The Toronto Town Hall is already full but you can still register for the webcast.
If you’re not sure what to say, CARFAC has prepared a sample letter you are welcome to use. Feel free to add your own thoughts and modify the letter to fit your situation. A personalized letter is much more valuable than several of the same letters.
CARFAC’s recommendations on copyright reform include:
1) Amending of Canadian Copyright Act to include droit de suite, or resale right;
2) Affording photographers, printmakers and portrait artists the same rights as other visual and media artists;
3) Improving compliance and recognition of the Reproduction Right;
4) Improving compliance and recognition of the Exhibition Right;
5) Extending protection and reaffirming creators’ Moral Rights;
6) Ratifying the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty (WCT), which includes allowances, where necessary, to protect both the rights of users and creators;
7) Reinforcing and expanding the licensing responsibilities of copyright collectives in the digital environment; Extending protection and reaffirming creators’ Moral Rights.
Read details about CARFAC’s recommendations in the Creators’ Copyright Coalition Platform.