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Saskatoon artist Grant McConnell to act as spokesperson for visual artists in Canada

grantSaskatoon artist, Grant McConnell, was appointed President and National Spokesperson for visual artists in Canada by the board of the Canadian Artist’s Representation (CARFAC). McConnell takes over from PEI artist Gerald Beaulieu, who has been president of CARFAC since 2006.

“I am happy to take on this challenge,” McConnell said, “I hope that in the next few years we can make progress on things like the Artist’s Resale Right which would enable artists to share in the wealth they create just as they do in 59 other countries worldwide. Artist’s Resale Right, and ensuring that artist/creator rights are upheld in future copyright legislation, will be our primary focus in the months ahead.”

Other new faces include Vancouver-based artist Julie McIntyre as Treasurer of CARFAC, Halifax artist Susan Tooke as Maritimes Representative, Toronto artist Hans Engel as Ontario Representative, Stephen Jackson from Roseisle as Manitoba Representative and Ottawa artist Barbara Gamble as a member at large.

CARFAC is guided by a board made up of regional representatives, and several members at large. The time commitment donated by these artists during their terms constitutes a substantial contribution to CARFAC as a national organization.

About Grant McConnell

Grant McConnell is known primarily for his painting derived from an ongoing investigation of subject matter related to Canadian historical themes. He also works in bronze and monument design. His work has been exhibited across Canada and abroad, and has been purchased into public, corporate and private collections in Saskatchewan and elsewhere in Canada. He has served as Provincial Representative of CARFAC Sask., and as a board member of the Saskatchewan Arts Board. He teaches studio at St. Peter’s College in Muenster, Sk., and Canadian Art History at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

Find the full list of board members and regional representatives.