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Call for New Board Members

CARFAC National is looking for new board members, to be elected or appointed at our AGM in June. CARFAC Members are asked to put forward names of individuals who would make good board members, to be added to the database that will be used by the Nominating Committee. The submission of a name for the database does not necessarily mean that the person will be asked to stand for election. Please consider carefully whether the person you are suggesting can fulfill the responsibilities set out below.

All Directors are elected for a term of two years and may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms. Members will be elected to a position by the membership, appointed by an affiliate organization, or appointed on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. Following any election, the board will choose its Executive Officers, as per the CARFAC Bylaw adopted in November 2006.

For additional information on CARFAC National and the role of Directors please contact the office in Ottawa: (613) 233-6161, toll-free (866) 344-6161, or by email.

If you wish to suggest a candidate for one of the above positions, please submit a letter of nomination and a short biography for the candidate, to the CARFAC National office no later than April 19th, 2013. Nominations may be sent by email or fax.

Note that if a person suggested as a candidate is not a current member, they may be required, if asked to run for office, to become a member under the terms of most positions.

Download the nomination form

Responsibilities and Duties of CARFAC Board Members

Service as a member of CARFAC’s Board of Directors requires time, dedication and commitment to the aims and purpose of CARFAC. For CARFAC to fulfill its unique role and reflect the views of its membership, Board members must participate fully in their roles and functions. The Directors of CARFAC National are responsible for setting goals, defining organizational policies and priorities, and approving plans to achieve our goals. CARFAC Board members are required to act in good faith and in the best interests of CARFAC National, to formally declare any real or apparent conflicts of interest, and to respect the confidentiality of sensitive information. Part of the due diligence required of Directors is attending Board meetings and keeping yourself informed about the affairs of CARFAC by reading the materials prepared for the meetings, newsletters and e-mail bulletins.

Artists from equity seeking groups are encouraged to put themselves forward.