Government of Canada Global Travel Advisories
Exhibiting and travelling outside Canada
An exhibition in a foreign country is an exciting development in any artist’s career, which brings new audiences for your work. Likewise, international travel and participation in residencies abroad may expose you to unique experiences, expand your contacts, and result in new directions for your work. All of these opportunities can bring personal and professional growth.
If you or your artworks are leaving Canada, you may have some questions:
Do I get paid if I have an exhibition in another country? When you show your work in a public exhibition in Canada, we offer guidelines for exhibition and reproduction royalties, and fees for other professional services. But what about other countries? In 2018, CARFAC attended a symposium which offered an exchange on exhibition remuneration practices in other countries. Two reports from the International Association of Art (IAA) are now available here and here. European Artists’ Rights is also tracking new policy developments within Europe.
What forms do I need if I’m exhibiting abroad? Prepare in advance to avoid unexpected travel delays! Make sure you have your paperwork in order ahead of time. If you have an upcoming show abroad, check out our tips for planning ahead. CARFAC issues certificates of Canadian origin for artists temporarily bringing your artworks abroad so you can return them to Canada hassle-free. CARFAC members may contact us for a copy of our Advisory Note, Exporting Artwork and Exhibiting Outside Canada. You may also find some of the information in this guide, Exporting Art useful in your planning.
How can artists get discounts on museum visits while travelling? Did you know: your CARFAC membership gets you free entry to numerous museums across Canada, including the National Gallery of Canada? Take advantage of CARFAC’s membership benefits and don’t leave home without your card— it pays to be a member! CARFAC also offers International Association of Art cards for all current members of CARFAC, RAAV, CMAQ, and BRAVO, granting you free or discounted entry to a variety of museums world-wide. IAA cards are only $10 and available for purchase through CARFAC National.
How can I find the right artist residency for my needs and interests? IAA and ResArtis offer helpful lists of international residency opportunities. CARFAC members can also contact us to receive a copy of our Advisory Note, Artist-in-Residence programs, Residencies, Colonies and Retreats.