These fees are for the payment of an artist in the role of peer assessor for the time and expertise taken in evaluating applications for public art. To determine the appropriate fees for artist members of a Selection Panel, please refer to Section C.4.0 Artist Professional Services of the CARFAC-RAAV Minimum Recommended Fee Schedule. These rates were created for visual artists and pertain to work carried out by an artist on a selection panel, evaluating applications by their artist peers.*
Current rates for 2024: $362 half-day (under 4 hours)/ $638 full day (over 4 hours)
Current rates increase by 4% per year in 2025, 2026, and 2027.
We recommend determining the Selection Panel fees based on the anticipated scope of work required of each member. It is recommended that the Commissioner and Selection Panel members review the anticipated scope of work prior to determining the appropriate fee when required. The scope of work will depend on various circumstances, and should include consideration of the following items:
- Review Period and Number of submissions
- Consider the number of submissions and level of detailed review, reading, and scoring required of the Selection Panel
- Commissioners should set a fee based on the anticipated number of submissions but are encouraged to increase the fee should the number of submissions be larger than the anticipated amount
- Review process
- The fee for a review process should include the time required for the panelist to independently review and score the submissions, as well as participate in making a selection. For example, a One Stage review process may require 5 hours of independent review and a 3 hour review meeting. In 2024, the fee for this would be 1 Full Day rate + 1 Half-day rate ($362 + 638 = $1,000).
- A Two Stage review process will require two independent review phases, and two review and selection meetings. If the example above also involves an additional 5 hours of independent review and a 3 hour review meeting for the Second Stage review, the total fee to the artist selection panel member would be $2,000 for both review processes combined.
- If the Selection Panel is required to be present at engagement opportunities or artist presentations, this additional time and scope of work should be reflected in the fee based on the total time required of the Selection Panel members
- Travel and Accommodation
- Refer to the travel and accommodation portion of this Fee Schedule for guidelines (Section 3).
*Non-artist members of a selection panel may have their own standard rates that differ from CARFAC’s rates, and some participants may be prohibited from accepting payment in certain situations. As such, commissioners may choose to refer to CARFAC guidelines for all selection panel members, or to negotiate other arrangements for non-artists participants.
3. Artist Fees for Commissioning of New Works